
the meeting point project

katy martin jérôme liniger christophe averlan nicolas jacquette
jérôme liniger christophe averlan nicolas jacquette katy martin
christophe averlan nicolas jacquette katy martin jérôme liniger
nicolas jacquette katy martin jérôme liniger christophe averlan

Nicolas Jacquette is an Art Director, specializing in digital media and co-director of Studio Irresistible, a graphic design studio in Paris.

Nicolas has been based in Paris since 2002, where he moved after completing his studies in Applied Arts and Interior Design for Architecture in Caen.  He completed his training in graphic arts and multimedia at L’Institut d’Etude Supérieure des Arts de Paris (IESA) and also with the jewelry designer, Frederic Mane. 

In 2004, he met Jerome Liniger and began collaborating on art performances in the role of photographer – for example, a performance with Liniger at L’Opera Garnier in Paris, in the Great Entrance, for a prestigious Natixis event. In 2009, they decided to start a company together, and so Studio Irresistible was born. As part of their work in communications, he and Liniger’s many collaborative projects include website design, photography, animation and illustration.

When he and Jerome Liniger met Katy Martin in New York, it was obvious that he wanted to be part of an art work with them. He took the lead in making this happen, and his still photographs from their first performance/event are the result.